Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Road Not Taken Analysis Essays - 5699 Words

The Road Not Taken Analysis Author: Poetry of Robert Frost | | Mountain Interval1916Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a†¦show more content†¦Third, its almost as if a coin could be flipped to make the decision, because, as (3) shows, the choices are nearly identical. The person could have flipped a coin or do some other arbitrary technique, but he decides to personally make the choice. Fourth, I get a sense of regret about not being able to take the other road and also not being able sometime in the future to go back and take the other road. This is logical I think because of the similarity between the roads. This may be what with a sigh is referring to, since it is just one line below the doubted line. I like this meaning because it kind of fits. In the future, hes still lamenting that he hadnt been able to take the other road, which would have led to much a different result. Fifth, when does this contemplation take place? Ages and ages hence. That is, when one is much older and new choices are not available. Putting this all together, there are many things a person could become: for example, go one way and you might become a teacher; go another way and you might become a writer. Both are good things to become and you can understandably wonder how things might have turned out, if you had made that other choice. When you make the choice, at that time, you may not see a major difference between the two options. But the choice that you made is decisive. It determines your future. â€Å"The Road Not Taken† Complete Text Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I couldShow MoreRelatedThe Road Not Taken Analysis987 Words   |  4 PagesThe Road Not Taken Analysis The Road Not Taken is a poem written by Robert Frost. This poem is a great candidate to be one of the world s best and this analysis will unveil why it is so. The poetic devices used in the poem bring forth its deeper meaning which ultimately resonates with the reader s emotions. However not only this poem is great because of the literary experience it gives but it is also beautiful on a simple structural level. First lets look at the structural aspectRead MoreThe Road Not Taken Analysis1280 Words   |  6 PagesThe Road Not Taken As I read and analyzed this poem I became aware that it is indeed a great poem and that the reader must dig deep in order to find the true message of the poem. Careful readers shall not be tricked. The Basic Subject of the Poem The poem starts off with the title â€Å"The Road Not Taken.† At first sight this title could be used as foreshadow that the following poem will be about making a mistake, not making the right choice (not taking the right road) therefore establishing aRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Road Not Taken 808 Words   |  4 PagesApril 25, 2016 Poetry Analysis â€Å"I shall be telling this with a sigh/Somewhere ages and ages hence:/Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--/I took the one less traveled by†¦Ã¢â‚¬  these are famous lines from a classic poem written by Robert Frost. The poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken† was one of many poems written by Frost. This well-known poem is about the struggle of a traveler decision between two routes he could take. It has both literal and metaphorical meaning; the roads can also symbolize twoRead MoreAnalysis of Frosts The Road Not Taken717 Words   |  3 PagesThe Road Not Taken The Road Not Taken (1916) is one of Robert Frosts most famous poems in which he presents the personal conflicts that he may have had to overcome throughout his lifetime to get to where he is. Frost is able to gain insight and inspiration from the natural surroundings that have helped to guide him and shape who he is. In the poem, the narrator is traveling down a road when he comes upon two roads diverged in a yellow wood (Frost, 1916, 1). It can be argued the road heRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Road Not Taken 849 Words   |  4 Pageswill have to be made, and the outcome can sometimes be life-changing. When making a conscientious decision, one commits oneself to follow the right path. 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Frost places a great deal of emphasis on nature in his writing, as he was a lover of the countryside. He based many of his poems on the New England scenery, which was his home for most of his life. I chose this particular poem because I have enjoyed the readings we have done so far of his work and The RoadRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost Analysis1475 Words   |  6 PagesThe poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost, is a poem that has many meanings depending on the reader. The poem was published in 1916 and it is a very interesting poem. It’s a fairly short poem consisting of only 20 lines, and it is full of metaphors and imagery and it has many ways that it can be interpreted. The poem’s use of imagery leaves the reader trying to figure out what Frost meant when he wrote the poem. Since it is a poem, i t generally has no correct way to interpret it, but it usuallyRead MoreThe Road Not Taken by Robert Frost: An Analysis811 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Introduction On the surface of it, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost presents a narrator who is remembering a journey through the woods, and the person making this journey came into a position where two roads were diverging. So the challenge presented in the poem is, which road should the narrator take, and why? Frost claimed that his poem was a parody of a poem by his friend, poet Edward Thomas, but others have had very different explanations for The Road Not

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